
The Filmlosophers

The gentleman's post-credits discourse. Enthusiastic and tactful, hosts Eddie Villanueva and Spencer Williams offer candid observations about current events in the movie industry, film reviews and various other movie buff sundries. When the lights come up, the conversations goes down.
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The Filmlosophers











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Now displaying: 2019
Dec 25, 2019

The Filmlosophers spare no expense and bring back Travis and the gift of our unfiltered spoiler-filled thoughts on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The Glad Tiding Trio break out the joy of their opinions on the latest installment of the sci-fi franchise that’s changed the world for the last 42 years! With all the speculation and rumors surrounding the film, do the Holiday Hunks take the side of the mainstream crowds, or do they forge their own opinions and find a star amidst the sky? Grab your lightsabers and your notepads, and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Dec 18, 2019

The Filmlosophers brave new and uncharted territory, and come out more confused than ever after a conversation over The Star Wars Holiday Special (1978). The Cinematic Kringles don their holiday thinking caps to decipher one of the Star Wars franchise best kept secrets! From four-armed cooks to drinking out of holes in their heads, the guys determine if Life Day is a time to celebrate with a classic TV special, or a moment in cinematic history that most -including George Lucas- would die? Grab your “proton pack” and your notepads, Wookies, and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Dec 11, 2019

The Filmlosophers are joined by Travis Cook to traverse the galaxy in the education of a galaxy far, far away, talking about the Star Wars franchise. In preparation of the upcoming film, the Twilekian Trio careen down the Kessel Run to present their Crash Course in all things Star Wars! From Jedi’s to Gungans, the guys discuss the franchise that has lived in the hearts of fans for over 40 years, and even throw out a few theories as to where the latest film will go. But will they agree on each other's perspectives? Grab your Ewoks and your notepads, Nerfherders, and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Dec 4, 2019

The Filmlosophers let it go as the temperature rises while talking about Disney’s Frozen 2. The Frozen Fellas catch the sequel that followed the wildly successful 2013 film, but did they suffer too much in the name of film reviews? Can the Duo find the progression and growth in the House of Mouse with this film, or does it only highlight the true lessons that Disney has learned when it comes to cultural diversity? Grab your lutefisk and your popcorn, and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Nov 27, 2019

The Filmlosophers are talking turkey -and murder!- as they talk about the much anticipated Rian Johnson murder mystery film, Knives Out. The day of thanks is almost upon us, but are the Diligent Dudes thankful for this modern take of a whodunnit? Did the guys follow the trail of clues to find the glorious reward at the end, or were they snuffed by another goose hunt of a promise for something great? Grab your magnifying glass and your popcorn, and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Nov 20, 2019

The Filmlosophers are earning their stripes as they are joined by The Capeless Crusaders Amy LaBelle to talk about Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit. As the Tumultuous Trio discuss the highs and lows of the film, do they find the film offensive or award-worthy? Will Jojo Rabbit and Taika create a new sense of wonder in this unique journey, or will it fall short of true satirical parody? Grab your popcorn and your notepad, and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Nov 13, 2019

The Filmlosophers are back for a walk in the hedge maze as they take on a conversation of the sequel to 1980’s The Shining, Doctor Sleep. With it being one of the most anticipated films of 2019, the Creepy Compadres take a deeper look at Dan Torrance and his unique power in this Stephen King adaptation. But how does this film stack up as a successful follow-up to the 1980 classic film? Does the film suffer from a bad case of fan-service and Hollywoodism, or will we see a King adaptation clearly get the attention it deserves? Grab your popcorn and your notepad, and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Also, check out our Extra Life stream with our friends this Saturday as we help raise funds for our local children's hospital over at Twitch!

Oct 30, 2019

The Filmlosophers ghoulishly prepare for next week’s film Dr. Sleep by watching it’s prequel, Stanley Kubrick’s 1980’s Horror classic, The Shining. The film that has been widely regarded as Stephen King’s most hated adaptation takes over the show today, bringing a unique take from both of our Brooding Buddies. Does the film have enough of a hold in the Horror world to still stand the test of time? Has the film that has been so enigmatically torn apart and scrutinized finally become a husk of its former self? Grab your axe and typewriter, and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!


Oct 25, 2019

The Filmlosophers take a break from their coffee's to come to the stark reality that Spencer may ACTUALLY like Horror films now! Spencer's journey has been a whirlwind of a ride, and the train ain't stopping yet the Horrific Homies discuss their latest ghoulish offering, 2010's Insidious. Has the Halloween Grinch finally found his holiday cheer? Has the wonderful sounds of screams and scares give Spencer enough pull to bring him to the dark side? Grab some popcorn, put down your crucifix's and holy water, and tune in to a new and exciting episode of Extra Credit!

Missed our last episode? Head over to for our complete library of shows!

We are NOW on Pandora! Check us out by clicking HERE!

Oct 23, 2019

The Filmlosophers crawl creepily as they discuss the unique arachnophobic nightmare of Micah Gallo’s Itsy Bitsy. The Webbing Wonders gather their wits and face their fears as they discuss the independent film that just dropped. The film creates a strong sense of familiarity in horror films past, but the connection is strong enough to call it something unique? Does the artistry and creativity of the storytelling and practical effects give fans something new they’ve been craving, or do the loose ends and CG fail to bring that level of expertise we should be expecting? Bring your bug catchers and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Oct 19, 2019

The Filmlosophers barely hold their coffees as they discuss the Horror films Spencer has seen, and the lies he's been hiding! Jumping headfirst into Spencer's viewing challenge for the month of October, the Horrific Hounds discuss some holiday classics like 2003's Identity and 2007's Trick r' Treat. Amidst the conversation, Spencer makes some stunning revelations that may test the very fabric of the teams friendship. So grab some popcorn, put down your masks and makeup, and tune in to a new and exciting episode of Extra Credit!

Missed our last episode? Head over to for our complete library of shows!

We are NOW on Pandora! Check us out by clicking HERE!

Oct 16, 2019

The Filmlosophers celebrate the Halloween season (and a birthday) with a nostalgic review of The Nightmare Before Christmas. The Boo Brothers take a stroll down memory lane and rewatch the film that took our breath away...or at least, Eddie’s. Will the revelation that Spencer has never seen it blow your mind? Will Spencer’s Grinchy heart melt to the sounds of the musical wonder that is The Nightmare Before Christmas? Don your best skeleton costume and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Oct 11, 2019
The Filmlosophers sip their coffees (and cider) as they explore the wonder of Halloween! Well into the Autumn season, the Fall Fellas chat about their personal views of Halloween, and how Spencer has become the Halloween Grinch. From dress-up to holiday goodies, everything is laid out on the table to find where the root of his distain originates. Plans are made, insults are thrown and a truce is forged in this latest war of words! So grab some popcorn, put down your masks and makeup, and tune in to a new and exciting episode of Extra Credit!
Missed our last episode? Head over to for our complete library of shows!

We are NOW on Pandora! Check us out by clicking HERE!

Oct 9, 2019

The Filmlosophers dance gracefully as they discuss the polarizing cinematic experience of Todd Phillip’s Joker. The Cantankerous Capers pull out all the shots and draw up their opinions about a film that has sparked conversation everywhere. In our day and age, how will this film hold up against the critics and fans alike? Are we prepared to take a film such as this as the artistic piece it sets out to be, or does it only bring to light the irresponsibility of Hollywood and filmmakers? Bring your grease paint and tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Oct 6, 2019
The Filmlosophers voice their concerns as Spencer divulges what really rubbed him the wrong way with It Chapter Two! Back at the Honeycomb Hideout, a.k.a. the incredible Oblivion Comics & Coffee, the Perilous Pair pull up a chair, grab their coffees and reveal some of the more disturbing parts of the film, with a bit of spoilery fun. There are just some things that don't fit in this modern age, and Spence is calling out the filmmakers and studios to make it right! So, grab some popcorn, put down the grease make-up, and tune in to a new and exciting episode of Extra Credit!

Missed our last episode? Head over to for our complete library of shows!

We are NOW on Pandora! Check us out by clicking HERE!

Oct 2, 2019

The Filmlosophers swap roles as Spencer jumps in the driver’s seat to discuss the franchise that redefined time travel films, the Back to the Future Trilogy. The DeLorean Dynamos, joined by friend and longtime listener to the show, Marcus, buckle up and reminisce on the cultural, cinematic and even scientific impact of the films that took the world by storm over three decades ago. We take a deep dive and ask the hard questions: how do the films measure up today? Does the franchise and all its theories about time travel still hold water? Or -much like Professor Hulk pointed out in Avengers: Endgame- has the explanation of it been wrong all along? Tune in to find out what we think in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Sep 25, 2019

The Filmlosophers leave a bloody trail behind them as they discuss the last film in the 37-year Action franchise, Rambo: Last Blood. The Strapping Cinephiles pull up their bootstraps and take a stab at sifting their thoughts from the rubble of the film that caps a 37 year long journey. In comparison to the first film in the series, First Blood, how does Last Blood measure up? Does Sylvester Stallone bring the nostalgia with a return to form for the series, or does the film reek of just another franchise entry cash grab? Tune in -and wear your raincoats- to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Sep 18, 2019

The Filmlosophers take a nose dive headfirst into the world of veterans and vagrancy with a deeper look at Sylvester Stallone’s 1982 action film, First Blood. The guys dissect the work of author David Morrell and his novel adapted into the cinematic work that started a 37 year franchise. The idea of Rambo holds thoughts of guns and explosions (and definitely body counts), but what happens if you take a closer look at the film that started it all? The Dynamic Duo do just that, and dig deep into not only the impact First Blood had in the cinematic world, but even it’s implications about the treatment of Vets in the U.S., even to this day! Tune in to find out how deep we dive in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Sep 13, 2019
The Filmlosophers do it real big as they record LIVE and talk to some great guests at Crocker Con 2019! Spencer was so excited, he couldn't stop singing. The Guys sit back and discuss all that makes a Con a Con, and have a few friends along the way to share their thoughts. The fun never stops with amigos such as Short Nerdy Cosplayer Jay to Dennis from Graphic Novel Explorer's Club, to even a visit from YouTube sensation and incredible Maker, Odin Makes! So grab some popcorn, toss aside the homework, and tune in to a new and exciting episode of Extra Credit!
Missed our last episode? Head over to for our complete library of shows!

We are NOW on Pandora! Check us out by clicking HERE!

Sep 11, 2019

The Filmlosophers pull out the party hats and grab the noise makers as they celebrate the 80th anniversary of the 1939 classic, The Wizard of Oz. The guys take some time out of the chaos of their soon-to-be fall season to discuss the technicolor wonder, and it’s oddity of a sequel, 1985’s Return to Oz. Does the weirdness and aroma of 80’s nostalgia change the pleasant vibes of its predecessor? Or do the familial memories and catchy tunes keep the beauty and wonder of The Wizard of Oz from turning entirely grey? Tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Sep 5, 2019

The Filmlosophers have returned to drink coffee and wage war on movie trailers, as well as discuss why the ending of Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark confused Spencer. Nestled back at the incredible Oblivion Comics & Coffee, the Duo pull up a chair, grab their coffees and pastries, and discuss why Hollywood can't put out a decent trailers anymore. Like, are we the only ones seeing this problem? It's an epidemic! We also take some time to untangle some of the mess left behind by Scary Stories to tell in the Dark! Grab some popcorn, toss aside the homework, and tune in to a new and exciting episode of Extra Credit!

Missed our last episode? Head over to for our complete library of shows!

We are NOW on Pandora! Check us out by clicking HERE!

Sep 4, 2019

The Filmlosophers face their deepest and darkest fears, and talk about the real dangers with Stephen King’s It: Chapter Two. The Terrible Two delve into the latest horror tale of Pennywise that has been highly anticipated by fans worldwide. Does the return of the Dancing Clown mean the return to form for Director Andy Muschietti? Or will the efforts to appease King fans create a bit of confusion for the Knowledgeable Nerds? Tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Aug 28, 2019

The Filmlosophers get down into the drains and exhume a blast from the past with the 1990 TV miniseries, It. In preparation for the upcoming sequel It: Chapter 2, the Terrible Two embark on a journey down memory lane to discuss the mini-series that had a wide spectrum of both critics and fans alike. As the guys dive deep into the tale of the killer Clown, how will they emerge once they come to the surface? Will they find themselves falling back in love with a horror classic, or will the tables turn and create the monsters they have come to loathe: Haters? Tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Aug 21, 2019

The Filmlosophers question the decisions of their lives as they discuss the recently lamented film out of Nick Jr., Dora and the Lost City of Gold. This time, Spencer dictates the conversation in this rare instance of a shellshocked Eddie, as the Pair reflect on their experience with the children’s movie. As tempers heat up and words fly, can the guys' friendship last as they sift through the rubble of what makes up this film? Or will the guys figure out where the film actually went wrong, and tear these two lifelong friends apart? Tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

Aug 14, 2019

The Filmlosophers leave the lights on to discuss Guillermo del Toro’s Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. The Duo pull up their lawn chairs and gather ‘round the campfire as they weave their thoughts around this homage to the 1981 smash hit book series. With one of them being a huge horror fan, and the other a huge cynic, how does this film measure up? Does it ring the bells with fear and excitement, or bring down the house with just another novel adaptation cash grab? Tune in to find out in this week’s episode of The Filmlosophers!

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